Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tonya Evinger

What is your nickname and if you do have a nickname how did you get it?

"Triple threat"..its pretty self explainatory, I am decent at every aspect of the mma game and I've had experience in everything..And that based off of the idea that wrestling, jiu jitsu, and boxing/muay thai are the three dominate styles in mma.

What path led you to mixed martial arts?

I wrestled for 15+ years and was just burnt out, moved to sac and my friend grace was training mma in sac..she convienced me to train with her but what she didn't know was that I was already an mma, j/k..It was just natural to me and I loved it, punching people is great but not so much when your on the recieving end.

Why fight MMA?

Cuz it's the shit..Who doesn't want to be involved in mma, either as a fighter or a fan..It's exciting and a sport where the athletes are probably the toughest athletes, more than any other sport..It's funny cuz when I was wrestling on the national level I would always say "man these wrestlers are f*#king in shape" and now me and the whole world are realizing that these are the most superior athletes..It's a sport based on you and not your team, what kind of warrior are you. how bad do you want it, who is the best? Those questions intrigue so many people worldwide that mma is now the top sport out there, it's the few that actually have the ability to realyl compete against the top.

Being a female fighter, what are the biggest obstacles you have had to overcome?

Just finding fights and girls that wanna fight you..I think I trained for almost 2 years before I got my 1st fight, but dn't think I really trained cuz fights being cancelled and just plain lack of oppertunities drives an athlete to burnout and just get over the whole idea..I love to compete and when I'm not I lose my motivation and drive, training sux but it's important and who wants to train for disappointment after disappointment.

Are there any extra hurdles being a female in MMA, or is it basically the same struggle for both genders?

I think sponsors are just as hard to find as fights, sponsors seem to not wanna kick down for a girl but they will throw a scrub with a 0-5 record $$..usually the girls are towards the end of the card, even if they suck people get all excited to see two girls beat on each other, and they just promote sponsors alot more..Sh*t I like watching two girls off the street get down, thats some funny stuff and I can't help but yell stupid moves for them to do..You all know when you start yelling WWE moves these street fighters know exactly what you mean and they actually do it, thats the best and fans love to watch it. But don't get me wrong, when you get the guys like that I think they are even worse, they fight like windmill chicks.

What does your family think about you fighting?

Well they love it to, my mom gets obsessed with every sport me and my brothers get into..I might hang up on her a couple times a month cuz she won't shut the hell up bout how I should train and promote myself, but I am very thankful for her..She was the one behind me getting this far, she drove me all over the country to wrestle..She forked all that money out for my wrestling and traveling for 15 years, I owe her big time, pics of me on the toilet seem to be plenty you mom

Who is the best MMA fighter in your opinion?

My girlfriend, she's sitting right here..enuf said..damn backhands suck when your being a smart ass..

Who was your toughest opponent?

I would have to say nobody yet..Ya i've lost but I feel I just got caught or made mistakes but it wasn't a tough fight till then..Sara schnieder was the only girl to took me a decision but if you watched that fight you would know it wasn't that tough..I beleive my toughest match hasn't caught up to me yet, hopefully I will be ready and not get beat up too bad..I wrestled on the highest level you can and that has to be the hardest sport out there, incredible athletes, I've had alot of tough matches during that time..

Where do you train and who are your trainers?

Urijah Fabers Ultimate Fitness, we train with all the pro's so alot of WEC fighters my size..It's awesome and I think probably the best place for me..My main training partner is Michelle Ould, she's an amazing fighter, and for only being in the game 3 years is crazy..She is gonna be the top 125lber, mark my words..

What do you look for in other fighters?

Mistakes, I think I hit hard but if you hit harder I KNOW you can't out wrestle me..

What motivates you to fight?

Money, this is my career and I would love for it to be my only career..I love to compete so making money to do so is the ultimate for me..

What would you do if you were not a fighter?

-be a fat outta shape loser, j/k, I get fat when i'm not training and its scary..I have no idea, I've been playing sports my whole life..I tried regualr jobs but as soon as it interupts with my passion then I back off and usually move on..

What are your other interests outside of mixed martial arts?

I like to paintball but I suck at sneakin around so I usually end up getting all shot up..I like to lay around and watch movies at night but during the day I have to stay busy or I get bored and lay around..I'm a very social person so get togethers are my favorite, weather its on the water or in my back yard..

If you could fight anyone in the sport of MMA, who would it be and why?

kaufman, she has the belt in my weight class and I want it..hook it up

If you could fight anyone NOT in the sport, who would it be and why?

My brothers ex-wife..She makes his life hell and talks crap bout my mom..

Have you any superstition or mania on fighting days?

I wrap my own hands, I know thats crazy but I do it my way and it makes me confident in myself..I also have this routine where I workout hard when I first get to the arena and then chill till right before I fight..I'm quiet and I like people to shut up and leave me to think..

What would you say to young fighters looking to make a career in mixed martial arts?

Make sure you are a fighter not just a fan that wants to be known as a fighter, its embarrassing to lose and it hurts..other than that, work hard and make sure you are mentally strong because it's YOU out there and not your trainers..You have to be able to push yourself physically to win a fight and most people don't have that mental strength to push beyond exhaustion, that's the time when it's most important..

Tell us about your next fight, who you are fighting and the training involved for this fight?

May 8th..alexis davis..I research like crazy but I always fight the way im gonna fight, as long as I can punch you the entire time and not get too tired then I'm gonna beat you..I keep that thought and it works for me, gotta be positive..

Are there Fans, Friends or sponsors you would like to thank and give a shout out to?

Ya thanks mom, chris, owen, kimmy..Michelle, your the best..Clinch gear,Maximum nutrition, tussle, fighter dolls, tip n sip bartending in lodi..Oh and who could forget RED, he's like my sacramento dad only old as dirt..

How can folks contact you?

contact me or Michelle Ould on facebook, myspace,

Tonya Evinger  fights Alexis Davis in Niagra Falls, NY Saturday May 8th for the Raging Wolf 135lbs Title Belt.

MMA Omoplata wants to thank Slade Bittler of
"Tussle Fight Gear" for arranging this interview

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